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Textkernel Saleforce Connector
Candidate / Candidate details

Candidate Data Mapping / Candidate🔗

This section allows the administrator to map the contact details of the candidate and its location, plus some other information like salary and availability.

Section "Contact details"🔗

Field Data type Multivalued Salesforce field types
Given name text No STRING
Middle name text No STRING
Last name text No STRING
Date of birth date No STRING, DATETIME, DATE
Nationality text No STRING, PICKLIST
Email text No STRING, EMAIL
Home phone text No STRING, PHONE
Mobile phone text No STRING, PHONE
Work phone text No STRING, PHONE
Social media link (LinkedIn) text No STRING, URL
Social media link (GitHub) text No STRING, URL

Given name🔗

  • Textkernel field type: text
  • Supported Salesforce field types: STRING
  • Description: The given name of the candidate.
  • Example: John

Middle name🔗

  • Textkernel field type: text
  • Supported Salesforce field types: STRING
  • Description: The middle name of the candidate.
  • Example: William, W.

Last name🔗

  • Textkernel field type: text
  • Supported Salesforce field types: STRING
  • Description: The last name of the candidate.
  • Example: Doe

Date of birth🔗

  • Textkernel field type: date
  • Supported Salesforce field types: STRING, DATETIME, DATE
  • Description: The date of birth of the candidate in the format YYYY-MM-DD, which can be used to calculate and display the age of the candidate in the Search! UI.
  • Example: 1990-03-15


  • Textkernel field type: text
  • Supported Salesforce field types: STRING, PICKLIST
  • Description: The ISO 3166-2 code of the nationality of the candidate.
  • Example: US


  • Textkernel field type: text
  • Supported Salesforce field types: STRING, EMAIL
  • Description: The email address of the candidate.
  • Example:

Home phone🔗

  • Textkernel field type: text
  • Supported Salesforce field types: STRING, PHONE
  • Description: The landline phone number of the candidate.
  • Example: +1234567890, 1234567890, 123 4567890

Mobile phone🔗

  • Textkernel field type: text
  • Supported Salesforce field types: STRING, PHONE
  • Description: The mobile phone number of the candidate.
  • Example: +1234567890, 1234567890, 123 4567890

Work phone🔗

  • Textkernel field type: text
  • Supported Salesforce field types: STRING, PHONE
  • Description: The work phone number of the candidate.
  • Example: +1234567890, 1234567890, 123 4567890
  • Textkernel field type: text
  • Supported Salesforce field types: STRING, URL
  • Description: The URL of the LinkedIn profile of the candidate.
  • Example:
  • Textkernel field type: text
  • Supported Salesforce field types: STRING, URL
  • Description: The URL of the Github profile of the candidate.
  • Example:

Section "Location"🔗

Field Data type Multivalued Salesforce field types
City text No STRING
Street name text No STRING
Street number text No STRING
Postal code text No STRING
Region/State text No STRING, PICKLIST
Country text No STRING, PICKLIST

The fields City, Postal code, Region (for US candidates) and Country are important for location search in Textkernel Search!. If none of these fields are provided for a candidate, Textkernel will attempt to use the address extracted from the candidate's CV as a fallback option.

Rules to identify the correct candidate location are (in this order):

  1. country code + postal code (+ region if provided)
  2. country code + city (+ region if provided)
  3. postal code (+ region if provided)
  4. city (+ region if provided)


  • Textkernel field type: text
  • Supported Salesforce field types: STRING
  • Description: The city of home address of the candidate.
  • Example: Amsterdam

Street name🔗

  • Textkernel field type: text
  • Supported Salesforce field types: STRING
  • Description: The street name of home address of the candidate.
  • Example: Asterweg, Constitution Avenue, Constitution Av.

Street number🔗

  • Textkernel field type: text
  • Supported Salesforce field types: STRING
  • Description: The street number of home address of the candidate.
  • Example: 15, 15 D, 15/D, 15-D

Postal code🔗

  • Textkernel field type: text
  • Supported Salesforce field types: STRING
  • Description: The street number of home address of the candidate.
  • Example: 1031 HL, 1031HL, 1031


  • Textkernel field type: text
  • Supported Salesforce field types: STRING, PICKLIST
  • Description: The region/state of the home address of the candidate. This field is important for US candidates as it helps to identify the correct city based on the US state. For these candidates, the postal abbreviation of the state should be provided (the 2-code abbreviation after the hyphen in the ISO 3166-2:US standard).
  • Example: NY


  • Textkernel field type: text
  • Supported Salesforce field types: STRING, PICKLIST
  • Description: The country of the home address of the candidate, provided as ISO 3166-2 country code.
  • Example: US

Section "Salary"🔗

Field Data type Multivalued Salesforce field types
Current salary numeric (2 decimals) No STRING, DOUBLE, CURRENCY, INTEGER
Salary numeric (2 decimals) No STRING, DOUBLE, CURRENCY, INTEGER
Minimum salary numeric (2 decimals) No STRING, DOUBLE, CURRENCY, INTEGER
Hourly rate numeric (2 decimals) No STRING, DOUBLE, CURRENCY, INTEGER
Minimum hourly rate numeric (2 decimals) No STRING, DOUBLE, CURRENCY, INTEGER
Day rate numeric (2 decimals) No STRING, DOUBLE, CURRENCY, INTEGER
Minimum day rate numeric (2 decimals) No STRING, DOUBLE, CURRENCY, INTEGER

Current salary🔗

  • Textkernel field type: numeric (2 decimals)
  • Supported Salesforce field types: STRING, DOUBLE, CURRENCY, INTEGER
  • Description: The current salary of the candidate. The mapped value should contain only digits, the last two digits will be interpreted as decimals (e.g. 123456 will be interpreted as 1234,56).
  • Example: 123546


  • Textkernel field type: numeric (2 decimals)
  • Supported Salesforce field types: STRING, DOUBLE, CURRENCY, INTEGER
  • Description: The desired salary requested by the candidate. The mapped value should contain only digits, the last two digits will be interpreted as decimals (e.g. 123456 will be interpreted as 1234,56).
  • Example: 123546

Minimum salary🔗

  • Textkernel field type: numeric (2 decimals)
  • Supported Salesforce field types: STRING, DOUBLE, CURRENCY, INTEGER
  • Description: The minimum salary requested by the candidate. The mapped value should contain only digits, the last two digits will be interpreted as decimals (e.g. 123456 will be interpreted as 1234,56).
  • Example: 123546

Hourly rate🔗

  • Textkernel field type: numeric (2 decimals)
  • Supported Salesforce field types: STRING, DOUBLE, CURRENCY, INTEGER
  • Description: The desired hourly rate requested by the candidate. The mapped value should contain only digits, the last two digits will be interpreted as decimals (e.g. 123456 will be interpreted as 1234,56).
  • Example: 123546

Minimum hourly rate🔗

  • Textkernel field type: numeric (2 decimals)
  • Supported Salesforce field types: STRING, DOUBLE, CURRENCY, INTEGER
  • Description: The minimum hourly rate requested by the candidate. The mapped value should contain only digits, the last two digits will be interpreted as decimals (e.g. 123456 will be interpreted as 1234,56).
  • Example: 123546

Day rate🔗

  • Textkernel field type: numeric (2 decimals)
  • Supported Salesforce field types: STRING, DOUBLE, CURRENCY, INTEGER
  • Description: The desired daily rate requested by the candidate. The mapped value should contain only digits, the last two digits will be interpreted as decimals (e.g. 123456 will be interpreted as 1234,56).
  • Example: 123546

Minimum day rate🔗

  • Textkernel field type: numeric (2 decimals)
  • Supported Salesforce field types: STRING, DOUBLE, CURRENCY, INTEGER
  • Description: The minimum daily rate requested by the candidate. The mapped value should contain only digits, the last two digits will be interpreted as decimals (e.g. 123456 will be interpreted as 1234,56).
  • Example: 123546

Section "Other data"🔗

Field Data type Multivalued Salesforce field types
Date available date No STRING, DATETIME, DATE
Hours per week numeric No STRING, INTEGER
Account name text No STRING
Owner name text No STRING

Candidate status🔗

  • Textkernel field type: text
  • Supported Salesforce field types: STRING, PICKLIST, BOOLEAN, COMBOBOX, INTEGER
  • Description: The employment status of the candidate. The value provided can be a status description, such as Actively Looking, Already Employed, Active, Inactive, or a status code. Textkernel will display the value as it is given. If status codes are used, Textkernel will need to receive the full list of descriptions for each code to ensure that the correct description is displayed (this will require additional effort from Textkernel).
  • Example: Active, STATUS_1

Date available🔗

  • Textkernel field type: date
  • Supported Salesforce field types: STRING, DATETIME, DATE
  • Description: The availability date of the candidate. Supported date formats are ISO-dates YYYY-MM-DD or full date-timestamps with ISO offset time zone information YYYY-MM-DD'T'HH:MM:SS[.sss]X.
  • Example: 2016-12-29, 2016-12-29T16:25:50Z, 2016-12-29T16:25:50+01:00

Driver license🔗

  • Textkernel field type: text
  • Supported Salesforce field types: STRING, MULTIPICKLIST, PICKLIST, COMBOBOX
  • Multivalued: Yes
  • Description: Information about whether the candidate has a driving license or not, or the type of driving license(s) the candidate has.
  • Example: Yes, No, Class A, A, A1

Hours per week🔗

  • Textkernel field type: numeric
  • Supported Salesforce field types: STRING, INTEGER
  • Description: The desired number of hours per week by the candidate. The mapped value should contain only digits and no decimals.
  • Example: 36

Account ID🔗

  • Textkernel field type: text
  • Supported Salesforce field types: STRING, REFERENCE, ID
  • Description: The ID of Salesforce record identifying the account linked to the candidate. The record doesn't necessarily have to be a Salesforce Account object.
  • Example: 0012x000003FAKeAAO

Account name🔗

  • Textkernel field type: text
  • Supported Salesforce field types: STRING
  • Description: The name of account linked to the candidate. For instance, this can be the department or company owning the candidate.
  • Example: Acme Inc.

Owner ID🔗

  • Textkernel field type: text
  • Supported Salesforce field types: STRING, REFERENCE, ID
  • Description: The ID of Salesforce record owning the candidate record. The record doesn't necessarily have to be a Salesforce Account or User object.
  • Example: 0052x000002AbCdAAE

Owner name🔗

  • Textkernel field type: text
  • Supported Salesforce field types: STRING
  • Description: The name of owner of the candidate record. For instance, this can be the recruiter owning the candidate.
  • Example: John Smith

Section "Custom fields"🔗

Field Data type Multivalued Salesforce field types
Custom Multi Text 1-5 text Yes MULTIPICKLIST
Custom Date 1-10 date No STRING, DATETIME, DATE
Custom Numeric 1-10 numeric (2 decimals) No STRING, DOUBLE, INTEGER, LONG, CURRENCY, PERCENT

Custom Text🔗

  • Textkernel field type: text
  • Description: This field can be used to map any additional ATS field that needs to be synchronized to Textkernel products. Additional Textkernel effort is required to make this field available in Search.

Custom Multi Text🔗

  • Textkernel field type: text
  • Supported Salesforce field types: MULTIPICKLIST
  • Multivalued: Yes
  • Description: This field can be used to map any additional ATS multi picklist field that needs to be synchronized to Textkernel products. Additional Textkernel effort is required to make this field available in Search.

Custom Date🔗

  • Textkernel field type: date
  • Supported Salesforce field types: STRING, DATETIME, DATE
  • Description: This field can be used to map any additional ATS date field that needs to be synchronized to Textkernel products. Supported date formats are ISO-dates YYYY-MM-DD or full date-timestamps with ISO offset time zone information YYYY-MM-DD'T'HH:MM:SS[.sss]X. Additional Textkernel effort is required to make this field available in Search.

Custom Numeric🔗

  • Textkernel field type: numeric (2 decimals)
  • Supported Salesforce field types: STRING, DOUBLE, INTEGER, LONG, CURRENCY, PERCENT
  • Description: This field can be used to map any additional ATS numeric field that needs to be synchronized to Textkernel products. The mapped value should contain only digits, the last two digits will be interpreted as decimals (e.g. 123456 will be interpreted as 1234,56). Additional Textkernel effort is required to make this field available in Search.