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Search! & Match! API
User Settings Service

User Settings Service

User Settings Service🔗

Updates user's preferences stored in database.

Method saveResults🔗

Method call🔗

saveWithToken(accessToken, userSettings) : boolean


Updates user's language selection which is used for synonym expansion and autocomplete. Only the languages which exist in environment synonym definitions will be accepted. At least one and maximum 5 languages can be enabled.


Parameter Name Type Description
accessToken string identifier for the project, may be null for default project
userSettings UserSettings See description of User Settings in chapter Object Structures


returns true if request was successfully applied. In case of error it returns non 200 status code. Users may configure minimum 1 and maximum 5 languages.


  • Environment allows user settings to be updated. See hasUserSettingsEnabled value in metadata response

Error Handling🔗

Error Code Description
EMPTY_ARGUMENT One or more mandatory arguments are empty.
INVALID_ACTION User setting modification is not allowed for environment or the request contains languages that are not available for the environment
INVALID_ACCESS_TOKEN The token is not valid (possibly timed-out) - applies only to token authentication.
DATABASE_ERROR Database communication failed (possibly a misconfiguration issue).
SEARCH_EXECUTION_ERROR An error occurred while querying the search index (while retrieving metadata).